Annual Review

Helping one guy is an honoring dinner held for a local man and his family in a time of life-changing crisis.

We got to serve men on their worst season
And you met the challenge.

You gave over

100% given to 5 Families
$ 60000

Jesse Sandoval

Feb 8, 2022

Jesse’s 9 year old daughter Nieva was diagnosed with bone cancer and had to have surgery to have it removed as well as his wife, Diana, welcoming a new born baby Raya.
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David Burrell

April 13, 2022

David Burrell is a husband to Eileen and adopted father of two girls. His oldest, Rachel was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer while they are living paycheck to paycheck. Let’s help this guy.
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Ricky MacDonald

June 14, 2022

By the time he got to the emergency room, he had lost 8 units of blood. His kidneys and liver had started shutting down and as we now know, the damage to his liver was irreversible.
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Bob Kelly - 10th Anniversary

August 20, 2022

During one of his many doctor visits, it was discovered that he now had developed Atrial Fibrillation, another life-threatening cardiac issue.
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Jamie Barger

October 12, 2022

From there he was rushed to the hospital for more intense testing. Within 48 hours Jamie was diagnosed with stage 4 esophagus cancer. Jamie has passed away in December.
Given to Horizon Special Needs Field
$ 0
Given to Horizon Special Needs Field
was Given by sponsors to pay for the administration, promotion and dinners.
$ 0

Josh Webb’s first year as Volunteer Executive Director

This year has been such a blessing to me personally. It has been one of the most challenging in my life but helping others going through a crisis of their own has helped me to not focus on my situation. I have had a chance to really get to know, cry and pray with the families that we honor this year. It helps me see the real suffering that occurs with regular people every day but also the hope that they are given through the worst of circumstances through Jesus Christ. I have been part of Christian ministry much of my adult life and yet there are few experiences that feel as much like the Gospel Jesus offers as this honoring dinner that the men know they can never repay. I look forward to next year as we keep finding more to be part of our community.

Become a Monthly Donor
100% given to the honoree

Thank You to Our Volunteer Board that finds and votes on our honoree each month

Bob Kelly

Bob Kelly

Paul Nelson

Paul Nelson

Sandra Vasquez

Sandra Vasquez

BJ Jones

BJ Jones

Steve Kruger

Steve Kruger

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Eddie Leonard

Chris Miller

Chris Miller

Rob Moon

Rob Moon

David Zivick

David Zivick



Molly Montague



Sandra Fink

Email Marketing

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Eileen Burrell

Social Media with Breezy Content

Thank you to our volunteers


Steve Salyers

Event Coordination at Northstar Church


Jimmy Milans

Video Editing

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Conrad & Shannan Sokorski



Buddy & Marsha Inlow

Dinner Setup


Bill & Annalena Burbage



Ben Jones

Live Streaming


Paul Letalien


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Become a Monthly Donor
100% given to the honoree